Sponsorship Guidelines
Guidelines for sponsors have been formulated, while keeping the self respect of hashers/Bangalore hash as well as interests of sponsors.
We welcome sponsors to participate in hash events while noting that the hash cannot be overly commercialised and privacy concerns have to be maintained.
Guidelines for sponsorship and their expectations from monthly hash runs
1.The presence of hashers at a run event is the exposure that a sponsor can expect. Hashers come from all walks of life and various levels in business and corporate sector. Give aways like sponsored Tee shirts, bags and other gift items with the sponsor logo are long life exposure to the sponsors brand in the long run. run.
2. Once a hash event is over, obligation from both the parties is fulfilled as all communications, tee-shirt, banners and event locations have had the sponsors name in it and have their longevity with the participants.
3. Sponsors may have standees or banners at the hash event and pre-event publicity, can be done after mutual consultation,
4. Sponsor team of specific numbers will be invited to attend the hash event. Recognition of sponsors and other facilitators will be done in the hash circle. Later on a thank you note from the GM may be sent as appropriate. No specific mementoes or gifts are envisaged in general.
5. Stage/Circle time max of 5 minutes will be given to sponsors to promote their business personally to the large group in the circle or at any marquee event.
👉👉Will continue Bangalore Hash activities with minimum publicity as we are doing that includes no social media for now.
The general approach of the hash is that hashers come to the hash for fun, healthy camaraderie, have beer, and then go back to their normal routines. Whatever gets added on to hash activities has to be part of the core activities - runs, socializing, drinking beer, and having fun. Hashers value their privacy and do not want and crave social media publicity. Hash environments are informal and have many moments, which most people would not be comfortable exposing outside the hash or even that specific run/event. It's for that reason we no longer expose individual run pictures and videos even within the general hash community as this is a loose mofussil floating group.
👉👉 Hash is a body itself where sponsors can be a add on support, but they cannot be the main reason and have prominence over and above the hash in any case.
Sponsors should be very clear about this give and take policy as hash doesn’t want any extra expectations/complaints later on.
👉👉 for any big events like Nash Hash sponsors guidelines will be more flexible.
Sponsor or no sponsor for monthly runs.. show must go on as it is on a shared cost amongst hashers basis.. who cares more than a happy run and beer drinking with hash friends. 🔛🔛
We welcome sponsors to participate in hash events while noting that the hash cannot be overly commercialised and privacy concerns have to be maintained.
Guidelines for sponsorship and their expectations from monthly hash runs
1.The presence of hashers at a run event is the exposure that a sponsor can expect. Hashers come from all walks of life and various levels in business and corporate sector. Give aways like sponsored Tee shirts, bags and other gift items with the sponsor logo are long life exposure to the sponsors brand in the long run. run.
2. Once a hash event is over, obligation from both the parties is fulfilled as all communications, tee-shirt, banners and event locations have had the sponsors name in it and have their longevity with the participants.
3. Sponsors may have standees or banners at the hash event and pre-event publicity, can be done after mutual consultation,
4. Sponsor team of specific numbers will be invited to attend the hash event. Recognition of sponsors and other facilitators will be done in the hash circle. Later on a thank you note from the GM may be sent as appropriate. No specific mementoes or gifts are envisaged in general.
5. Stage/Circle time max of 5 minutes will be given to sponsors to promote their business personally to the large group in the circle or at any marquee event.
👉👉Will continue Bangalore Hash activities with minimum publicity as we are doing that includes no social media for now.
The general approach of the hash is that hashers come to the hash for fun, healthy camaraderie, have beer, and then go back to their normal routines. Whatever gets added on to hash activities has to be part of the core activities - runs, socializing, drinking beer, and having fun. Hashers value their privacy and do not want and crave social media publicity. Hash environments are informal and have many moments, which most people would not be comfortable exposing outside the hash or even that specific run/event. It's for that reason we no longer expose individual run pictures and videos even within the general hash community as this is a loose mofussil floating group.
👉👉 Hash is a body itself where sponsors can be a add on support, but they cannot be the main reason and have prominence over and above the hash in any case.
Sponsors should be very clear about this give and take policy as hash doesn’t want any extra expectations/complaints later on.
👉👉 for any big events like Nash Hash sponsors guidelines will be more flexible.
Sponsor or no sponsor for monthly runs.. show must go on as it is on a shared cost amongst hashers basis.. who cares more than a happy run and beer drinking with hash friends. 🔛🔛